Development and manufacture of customized equipment
Electrical, electronic and mechanical design

Demede Engineering & Research
It is an engineering company and specialized in the design and manufacture of customized and turnkey projects for R & D + i research.
Our team is expert in the design, development and construction of test benches, prototypes, pilot plants and research facilities.
Pilot plants for various applications such as hydrogenation reactions, catalytic reactions, bioreactors, etc. And turbines, compressors and nozzles. Solar collectors for thermal and renewable energy applications. Turbojets and engines. And water facilities and air facilities.
Pilot plant process for high pressure synthesis, catalytic membranes, pollution control and supercritical fluid extraction, water and CO2, anaerobic digestion, gasification and pyrolysis of biomass.
Prototypes and new tools for CVD, solids dosing systems high pressure reactors and blending systems graphene-evaporation reagent.
Our main areas of work are green and sustainable processes, chemical and energy engineering and process control laboratory and industrial.
We design and manufacture
Equipment as adapted to the requirements of your project or your business needs. We are specialists in test benches, experimental facilities, pilot plants and process scaling and prototyping of new technological products.
With a broad portfolio of solutions for process control systems, in line with regulations. We designed and built based on multi-vendor PLC, SCADA programming in different languages systems and certify our equipment according to the Electromagnetic Compatibility and Low Voltage Electrical Safety.
Our team
He specializes in industrial design. We develop our projects 3D, we use simulation software and conduct detailed engineering with mechanical, thermal, electrical and electronic calculation. We certify our products according to Pressure Equipment Directives, mechanical equipment and ATE

Contact us
More info
C/Laguna del Marquesado, 47
Nave K -Polígono Villaverde
28021, Madrid (SPAIN)
Phone: 910130706 – 695515995